Links Page

Favorite Photography Blogs
Company Web Sites
Retail Web Sites
Other Resource Pages

Favorite Photography Blogs:

David Hobby's "Strobist" Blog
      This has got to be my favorite place to learn about off camera lighting. In the beginning it was more concerned with using small shoe-mount strobes but it has evolved over the years to include more information about using larger, studio type strobes as well. If you would like to learn about using your flash(es) off camera then go to this blog and check out the Lighting 101, Lighting 102 and On-Assignment archives found in the right-hand column. Once you go through those posts then there are hundreds of others as well.

Mark Hancock's "PhotoJournalism" Blog
      This blog discusses many different aspects of being a photojournalist and what is required to produce publishable images. I have really used it mostly for tips and pointers concerning shooting sports. I've also read several of the other posts concerning general photojournalism. Since I'm not a professional photojournalist and never went to journalism school I am probably not the best person to discuss the merits of this site but I really think it has some good solid information about the field and have incorporated many of the things he's discussed into my own work.

Company Web Sites:

Canon USA
Nikon USA
Olympus America

Retail Web Sites:

B&H Photo, Video & Pro Audio
Midwest Photo Exchange
Ritz Camera

Other Resource Pages:

Savings Guide for Beginner Photographers
Digital Photography Resource Guide
Glossary of Tools and Terms for Photoshop
Photography Terminology (Thanks Leah)

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